Radarb v 1cdg 81234Eehp NS Y Jj34WOo

A lang-range radar antenna, kent as ALTAIR, uised tae detect an track space objects in conjunction wi ABM testin at the Ronald Reagan Test Steid on Kwajalein Atoll.
Lang-range radar antenna, uised tae track space objects an ballistic missiles.
Israeli militar radar is typical o the type o radar uised for air traffic control. The antenna rotates at a steady rate, sweepin the local airspace wi a narrow vertical fan-shaped beam, tae detect aircraft at aw altitudes.
Radar o the type uised for detection o aircraft. It rotates steadily sweepin the airspace wi a narrow beam.

Radar is an object detection seestem which uises radio waves tae determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed o objects. It can be uised tae detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guidit missiles, motor vehicles, wather formations, an terrain. The radar dish or antenna transmits pulses o radio waves or microwaves which boonce aff ony object in thair path. The object returns a tiny pairt o the wave's energy tae a dish or antenna which is uisually locatit at the same steid as the transmitter.

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