Pascalر۴ D Ww p csehuCcVv H
Pascal is a programming language. It was created in 1970 by Niklaus Wirth, to help people learn how to make computer programs.
Now, there are many different dialects of the language, so a Pascal program written for one compiler can not easily be used with another one.
Code samples[change | change source]
This code prints "Hello world" at console window
1 program helloworld;
2 begin
3 WriteLn('Hello World');
4 end.
This code calculate factorial of positive integer, using recursion.
1 program fac;
2 var j:integer;
3 function fact(i:integer):integer ;
4 begin
5 if i=0 then fact:=1 else
6 fact:=i*fact(i-1);
7 end ;
9 begin
10 WriteLn('Enter number ');
11 Readln(j);
12 WriteLn(fac(j));
13 ReadLn;
14 end.
Pascal variants[change | change source]
- GNU Pascal
- Free Pascal
- Delphi - Modern IDE for creating GUI programms for Microsoft Windows. There is an open source clone of it for Windows, Mac OS X and FreeBSD, named Lazarus.
- Turbo Pascal